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The ultimate guide to social media marketing for hotels

Today’s travelers are turning to social media more now than ever to plan their dream vacations. For hotels, having a strong social media presence isn’t just a fad – it’s a fundamental marketing strategy. Effective social media marketing lets you connect directly with potential guests, showcase your unique offerings, and build brand loyalty. This translates into a powerful trifecta: increased website traffic, heightened brand awareness, and ultimately, a surge in direct bookings. By leveraging the power of social media, hotels can cultivate a thriving online community and leave a lasting impression on guests long before they even step through the door. 

The ultimate guide to social media marketing for hotels - Sabre Hospitality

Key takeaways

  • Targeted Strategy & Compelling Content: Define goals, identify your audience, and create engaging content tailored to each platform Diversify revenue streams by offering ancillaries  
  • Consistent Engagement: Maintain a posting schedule, leverage stories, and promptly respond to comments to build relationships with potential guests Host events and leverage unused hotel facilities 
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Track metrics and adapt your strategy based on what resonates with your audience  

57% of travelers like to capture content for their social media account during their travels

American Express, Morning Consult 2023 

Building a winning social media strategy

Before diving headfirst into content creation, it’s crucial to establish a clear roadmap for your hotel’s social media journey. The first step is defining your key objectives. Do you want to amplify brand awareness and establish your hotel as a top destination?

Perhaps your primary goal is to drive direct bookings and increase occupancy rates? Once you’ve identified your goals, tailor your strategy accordingly.

The ultimate guide to social media marketing for hotels - Sabre Hospitality

Next, it’s essential to understand who you’re trying to reach. Knowing your target audience – their demographics, interests, and preferred social media platforms – is vital for crafting targeted content that resonates. By conducting audience research and analyzing industry trends, you can identify the platforms where your ideal guests spend their time online. This targeted approach ensures your message reaches the right people, maximizing the impact of your social media efforts.

Content is king

Content is the heart of any successful social media strategy. For hotels, captivating content allows you to showcase your property’s best features and create a sense of desire for potential guests. High-quality visuals are key here – think stunning photos of luxurious rooms, inviting pool areas, and mouthwatering dishes from your restaurant. We came up with several content ideas to get you started for you to customize to your hotel and brand:   

  1. Highlight guest experiences through content made from positive testimonials, reviews and user-generated content. Encourage guests to share their photos and stories using a specific hotel hashtag or by tagging your hotel. This not only builds trust but also allows you to showcase your property through the eyes of satisfied guests. 
  1. Beyond showcasing your hotel, social media is a great platform to promote special offers and packages. Feature upcoming deals and highlight unique experiences guests can enjoy during their stay. 
  1. Interactive content engages your audience with interactive posts such as polls and contest. For example, run a photo contest where guests can share their best moments at your hotel for a chance to win a free night. 
  1. Seasonal or holiday-themed posts showcases how your hotel celebrates these events and can give guests a glimpse into your hotel’s culture.  
  1. Employee spotlight posts feature your staff members, shares their stories, roles, and what they love about working at your hotel. This highlights your team’s dedication while also creating a sense of community and appreciation. 
  1. Destination guides and travel tips provides useful content, positioning your hotel as a helpful resource and expert guide. 
  1. Remember, your hotel exists within a larger destination. Capitalize on this by featuring local attractions and activities surrounding your property. This demonstrates your knowledge of the area and positions your hotel as a launching pad for exploring the surroundings.  
  1. Incorporating video content is another powerful way to grab attention. Take viewers on a virtual tour of your hotel, showcasing the ambiance and amenities that set you apart. 

Now that you have a content calendar brimming with ideas, let’s talk about best practices for posting. Consistency is key – maintain a regular posting schedule across all your chosen platforms. Scheduling tools can be a lifesaver to streamline this process, here are our recommendations:

  • Hootsuite: offers a comprehensive platform for scheduling and managing posts across almost all social media networks, also providing analytics to track performance 
  • Monday.com: is a versatile work operating system including social media scheduling, allowing teams to collaborate and visualize their content calendar with workflows  
  • Emplifi: focuses on social media marketing, providing AI-driven analytics and insights to optimize social media strategies  
  • Sprout Social:  combines social media scheduling with social listening and analytics tools, enabling management of social presence and analyzation of trends 
  • Bulkly: automates social media scheduling and recycling, ensuring a consistent and engaging online presence with minimal effort, time, and resources 

Social media stories are a fantastic way to share more frequent updates and offer behind-the-scenes glimpses into the daily happenings at your hotel. But don’t neglect the power of engagement! Respond promptly to comments and messages on your posts. This fosters a sense of community and shows guests that you value their feedback. 

The ultimate guide to social media marketing for hotels - Sabre Hospitality

Platform specific strategies

The key to a successful social media strategy lies in understanding each platform’s unique strengths. By tailoring your content to resonate with each audience, you can maximize your reach and engagement. Just like search engine optimization, each platform has its own algorithm that feeds off certain posts and content. 

Instagram: The land of stunning visuals, Instagram is a perfect platform to showcase your hotel’s beauty. High-quality photos and videos that capture the essence of your property are a must. Harness the power of user-generated content (UGC) by encouraging guests to share their experiences using your branded hashtag. Increase engagement through Instagram Stories, providing behind-the-scenes glimpses and interactive polls. 

Facebook: Facebook offers a more versatile platform for sharing a mix of content formats. Eye-catching visuals are still important, but you can also incorporate informative articles, blog posts, and even live videos. Encourage discussions in the comments section and use Facebook Groups to connect with local communities or niche travel interests. 

TikTok: A platform on the rise, TikTok offers a fun and engaging way to showcase your hotel experience. Utilize trending sounds and formats to create short, eye-catching videos that capture the essence of your property. Think dance challenges filmed in your lobby or hilarious skits highlighting guest amenities. While not the primary platform for all hotels, TikTok can be a powerful tool to reach younger demographics. 

Twitter: Known for its real-time nature, Twitter is ideal for providing quick updates, responding to guest inquiries, and participating in relevant travel conversations. Use industry hashtags to join discussions and showcase your hotel’s expertise. Live tweeting events or offering exclusive Twitter promotions can also boost engagement. 

Measuring success and optimizing your strategy 

In the ever-evolving world of social media, success isn’t achieved through random posting. It requires a data-driven approach that allows you to measure progress, understand your audience, and continuously optimize your strategy. Here’s how to transform your social media presence into a well-oiled machine: 

Track key metrics: Each platform offers valuable insights through analytics tools. Focus on metrics that align with your goals. For instance, if brand awareness is a priority, track reach and impressions (the number of times your content is seen) . Tto measure engagement, analyze likes, comments, shares, and saves. Finally, website clicks tell you how effectively your social media efforts drive traffic to your hotel’s website. 

Analyze the data: Collecting data is just the beginning: understanding its meaning is where the real value lies. Look for patterns to uncover key insights: 

  • Which content types generate the most engagement?   
  • What platforms drive the most website traffic?   
  • Are there specific days or times that see higher activity?  

By analyzing this data, you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and tailor your strategies for greater success.

Refine your strategy: Based on your findings, continuously refine your social media strategy.   

  • Is a specific type of content consistently underperforming?  Maybe it’s time to experiment with a different format.   
  • Did a particular post go viral?  Analyze what made it successful and see if you can replicate those elements in future content. 

Remember, social media is a conversation. Respond to comments and messages, answer questions, and participate in relevant discussions. This fosters a sense of community and keeps your audience engaged. By embracing this data-driven approach, you can transform your social media presence from a static billboard into a dynamic tool for attracting guests and propelling your hotel to new heights. 

Final tips: elevating your hotel’s social media strategy 

By leveraging the powerful tool of social media, hotels can forge deeper connections with potential guests, showcase their unique offerings, and build lasting brand loyalty. This translates to a surge in website traffic, heightened brand awareness, and ultimately, a significant boost to your bottom line. 

Remember, the key lies in a targeted approach. Clearly define your goals, identify your ideal guest, and tailor your content to resonate with each platform’s strengths. By consistently delivering high-quality content, fostering genuine engagement, and analyzing your data, you can cultivate a thriving online community that positions your hotel for long-term success. 

The ultimate guide to social media marketing for hotels - Sabre Hospitality

This blog post has provided a roadmap for crafting a winning social media strategy for your hotel. For further exploration, consider referencing resources on industry-specific social media trends, such as influencer marketing and social commerce. With dedication and a data-driven approach, you can transform your social media presence into a powerful engine for attracting guests and propelling your hotel to new heights. 

Next steps:

Ready to turn these tips into action? Here’s a quick roadmap: 

  1. Define Goals & Audience: 
  • What are your social media objectives (brand awareness, bookings)? 
  • Who are you trying to reach (demographics, interests, platforms)? 
  1. Content Calendar & Platforms: 
  • Plan engaging content aligned with your goals. 
  • Optimize profiles on chosen platforms (Instagram, Facebook, etc.). 
  1. Track & Refine: 
  • Monitor key metrics (engagement, reach, clicks) using platform analytics. 
  • Adapt your strategy based on what resonates with your audience. 
  1. Stay Ahead of the Curve: 
  • Explore industry trends like influencer marketing and social commerce. 
  1. Promote & Engage: 
  • Advertise your social media presence across other channels (website, email). 
  • Encourage guest interaction through comments and messages. 

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Written by Kaitlin Brennan

Aquisition Studio

Acquisition Studio provides solutions for hoteliers to grow their marketing across distribution channels. Go Beyond with Sabre Hospitality’s expertise in digital marketing for hotels, global distribution system (GDS) marketing solutions, and agreements with the world’s top corporate travel bookers. By enhancing brand visibility across channels, you can engage and convert more travel agents, corporate program managers, and travelers to drive more revenue.

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